Scheduleupdated July 07, 2020 (16:34)
Workshop | Stream | Slido |
PRiMLMON, 06.07.2020, 9:30-16:00 UTC+2 |  | |
LCCMON, 06.07.2020, 8:45-18:00 UTC+2 | | |
LMWMON, 06.07.2020, 10:00-18:15 UTC+2 | | |
AATGTUE, 07.07.2020, 9:30-17:25 UTC+2 | | |
INFINITYTUE, 07.07.2020, 10:00-18:10 UTC+2 |  | |
Session | DOI | Stream | Slack | Session Chair(s) |
Invited Talk (LICS/ICALP)
Andrew Chi-Chih YaoWED, 08.7.2020, 12:00-13:00 UTC+2 |  |  |  | Artur Czumaj |
Opening Ceremony (LICS/ICALP)
and Best Video AwardsWED, 08.7.2020, 13:00-13:30 UTC+2 | |  |  | Lijun Zhang Xiaotie Deng |
Invited Talk (ICALP-A)
Virginia Vassilevska WilliamsWED, 08.7.2020, 15:30-16:30 UTC+2 | |  |  | Daniel Marx |
Social MeetingWED, 08.7.2020, 18:00-19:00 UTC+2 | |  |  | Holger Hermanns |
Invited Talk (LICS/ICALP)
Jérôme Leroux
THU, 09.7.2020, 12:30-13:30 UTC+2 |  |  |  | Joel Ouaknine |
Tutorial (LICS/ICALP)
Erich GrädelTHU, 09.7.2020, 14:00-15:00 UTC+2 | |  |  | James Worrell |
and Best Paper AnnouncementTHU, 09.7.2020, 18:00-19:00 UTC+2 | |  |  | Paul Spirakis |
Invited Talk (ICALP-B)
Stefan KieferFRI, 10.7.2020, 12:30-13:30 UTC+2 |  |  |  | Anuj Dawar |
Award Session (LICS/ICALP)
Presburger Award, Gödel Prize,
Test of Time (LICS)FRI, 10.7.2020, 14:00-15:00 UTC+2 | |  |  | Anca Muscholl |
Tutorial (LICS)
Brigitte PientkaFRI, 10.7.2020, 17:00-18:00 UTC+2 | |  |  | Supratik Chakraborty |
Invited Talk (LICS)
Mariangiola Dezani-CiancagliniSAT, 11.7.2020, 12:30-13:30 UTC+2 |  |  |  | Naoki Kobayashi |
Invited Talk (ICALP-A)
Robert KrauthgamerSAT, 11.7.2020, 15:30-16:30 UTC+2 |  |  |  | Kurt Mehlhorn |
LICS Business MeetingSAT, 11.7.2020, 17:00 18:00 UTC+2 | | |  | Dale Miller |
EATCS General AssemblySAT, 11.7.2020, 17:00 18:00 UTC+2 | | |  | Paul Spirakis |
Q/A Sessions
Q/A Session A
WED, 08.07.2020, 14:00-15:00 UTC+2
when is this in my timezone?
Q/A Slot A1 — ICALP-A
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YouTube Playlist Session chair(s): John Iacono
Video | PDF | DOI | Paper ID | Title | Authors | Video Presenter |
 |  |  | A1.A | Kinetic Geodesic Voronoi Diagrams in a Simple Polygon | Matias Korman, André van Renssen, Marcel Roeloffzen, Frank Staals | Frank Staals |
 |  |  | A1.B | Scattering and Sparse Partitions, and their Applications | Arnold Filtser | Arnold Filtser |
 |  |  | A1.C | Extending Partial 1-Planar Drawings | Eduard Eiben, Robert Ganian, Thekla Hamm, Fabian Klute, Martin Nöllenburg | Thekla Hamm |
 |  |  | A1.D | Fréchet Distance for Uncertain Curves | Kevin Buchin, Chenglin Fan, Maarten Löffler, Aleksandr Popov, Benjamin Raichel and Marcel Roeloffzen | Aleksandr Popov |
 |  |  | A1.E | Approximate Nearest Neighbor for Curves --- Simple, Efficient, and Deterministic | Arnold Filtser, Omrit Filtser, Matthew Katz | Omrit Filtser |
 |  |  | A1.F | A Simple Dynamization of Trapezoidal Point Location in Planar Subdivisions | Milutin Brankovic, Nikola Grujic, André van Renssen, Martin P. Seybold | Martin Seybold |
Q/A Slot A2 — ICALP-A
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YouTube Playlist Session chair(s): Keren Censor-Hillel
Video | PDF | DOI | Paper ID | Title | Authors | Video Presenter |
 |  |  | A2.A | A Water-Filling Primal-Dual Algorithm for Approximating Non-Linear Covering Problems | Andres Fielbaum, Ignacio Morales, Jose Verschae | Andres Fielbaum |
 |  |  | A2.B | An Optimal Algorithm for Online Multiple Knapsack | Marcin Bienkowski, Maciej Pacut, Krzysztof Piecuch | Maciej Pacut |
 |  |  | A2.C | On Solving (Non)commutative Weighted Edmonds' Problem | Taihei Oki | Taihei Oki |
 |  |  | A2.D | Optimal Streaming Algorithms for Submodular Maximization with Cardinality Constraints | Naor Alaluf, Alina Ene, Moran Feldman, Huy Nguyen and Andrew Suh | Andrew Suh |
 |  |  | A2.E | Scheduling Lower Bounds via AND Subset Sum | Amir Abboud, Karl Bringmann, Danny Hermelin and Dvir Shabtay | Danny Hermelin |
 |  |  | A2.F | Linearly Representable Submodular Functions: An Algebraic Algorithm for Minimization | Rohit Gurjar and Rajat Rathi | Rohit Gurjar |
Q/A Slot A3 — ICALP-A
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YouTube Playlist Session chair(s): Eric Vigoda
Video | PDF | DOI | Paper ID | Title | Authors | Video Presenter |
 |  |  | A3.A | Counting solutions to random CNF formulas | Andreas Galanis, Leslie Ann Goldberg, Heng Guo and Kuan Yang | Kuan Yang |
 |  |  | A3.B | On the central levels problem | Petr Gregor, Ondřej Mička, Torsten Mütze | Torsten Mütze |
 |  |  | A3.C | The complexity of promise SAT on non-Boolean domains | Alex Brandts, Marcin Wrochna, Stanislav Živný | Marcin Wrochna |
 |  |  | A3.D | Conditionally optimal approximation algorithms for the girth of a directed graph | Mina Dalirrooyfard, Virginia Vassilevska Williams | Mina Dalirrooyfard |
 |  |  | A3.E | Medians in median graphs and their cube complexes in linear time | Laurine Bénéteau, Jérémie Chalopin, Victor Chepoi, Yann Vaxès | Laurine Bénéteau |
 |  |  | A3.F | d-to-1 Hardness of Coloring 3-colorable Graphs with O(1) colors | Venkatesan Guruswami, Sai Sandeep | Sai Sandeep |
Q/A Slot A4 — ICALP-B
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YouTube Playlist Session chair(s): Kousha Etessami
Video | PDF | DOI | Paper ID | Title | Authors | Video Presenter |
 |  |  | A4.A | On Skolem-hardness and saturation points in Markov decision processes | Jakob Piribauer and Christel Baier | Jakob Piribauer |
 |  |  | A4.B | Bisimulation Equivalence of Pushdown Automata is Ackermann-Complete | Wenbo Zhang, Qiang Yin, Huan Long and Xian Xu | Wenbo Zhang |
 |  |  | A4.C | On polynomial recursive sequences | Michaël Cadilhac, Filip Mazowiecki, Charles Paperman, Michał Pilipczuk and Géraud Sénizergues | Filip Mazowiecki |
 |  |  | A4.D | On Decidability of Time-bounded Reachability in CTMDPs | Rupak Majumdar, Mahmoud Salamati, Sadegh Soudjani | Mahmoud Salamati |
 |  |  | A4.E | On the Size of Finite Rational Matrix Semigroups | Georgina Bumpus, Christoph Haase, Stefan Kiefer, Paul-Ioan Stoienescu and Jonathan Tanner | Jonathan Tanner |
 |  |  | A4.F | Invariants for Continuous Linear Dynamical Systems | Shaull Almagor, Edon Kelmendi, Joël Ouaknine and James Worrell | Shaull Almagor |
Q/A Slot A5 — LICS
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YouTube Playlist Session chair(s): Orna Kupferman
Video | PDF | DOI | Paper ID | Title | Authors | Video Presenter |
 |  |  | A5.A | Bisimulation Finiteness of Pushdown Systems Is Elementary | Stefan Göller and Pawel Parys | Stefan Göller |
 |  |  | A5.B | The Complexity of Reachability in Affine Vector Addition Systems with States | Michael Blondin and Mikhail Raskin | Mikhail Raskin |
 |  |  | A5.C | Efficient Analysis of VASS Termination Complexity | Antonín Kučera, Jérôme Leroux and Dominik Velan | Antonín Kučera |
 |  |  | A5.D | An Approach to Regular Separability in Vector Addition Systems | Wojciech Czerwiński and Georg Zetzsche | Wojciech Czerwiński |
 |  |  | A5.E | Complexity of controlled bad sequences over finite sets of $\mathbb{N}^d$ | A. R. Balasubramanian | A. R. Balasubramanian |
Q/A Slot A6 — LICS
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YouTube Playlist Session chair(s): Pierre Clairambault
Video | PDF | DOI | Paper ID | Title | Authors | Video Presenter |
 |  |  | A6.A | Modal Intuitionistic Logics as Dialgebraic Logics | Jim de Groot and Dirk Pattinson | Dirk Pattinson |
 |  |  | A6.B | Cones as a model of intuitionistic linear logic | Thomas Ehrhard | Thomas Ehrhard |
 |  |  | A6.C | Concurrent separation logic meets template games | Paul-André Melliès and Léo Stefanesco | Léo Stefanesco |
 |  |  | A6.D | Logic Beyond Formulas: A Proof System on Graphs | Matteo Acclavio, Ross Horne, and Lutz Straßburger | Ross Horne |
 |  |  | A6.E | Modal Logics with Composition on Finite Forests: Expressivity and Complexity | Bartosz Bednarczyk, Stéphane Demri, Raul Fervari, Alessio Mansutti | Alessio Mansutti |
 |  |  | A6.F | Extended Kripke lemma and decidability for hypersequent substructural logics | Revantha Ramanayake | Revantha Ramanayake |
Q/A Session B
WED, 08.07.2020, 17:00-18:00 UTC+2
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Q/A Slot B1 — ICALP-A
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YouTube Playlist Session chair(s): Thomas Sauerwald
Video | PDF | DOI | Paper ID | Title | Authors | Video Presenter |
 |  |  | B1.A | A dichotomy for bounded degree graph homomorphisms with nonnegative weights | Artsiom Hovarau, Jin-Yi Cai, Martin Dyer | Artsiom Hovarau |
 |  |  | B1.B | Counting perfect matchings and the eight-vertex model | Jin-Yi Cai and Tianyu Liu | Tianyu Liu |
 |  |  | B1.C | Contraction: a Unified Perspective of Correlation Decay and Zero-Freeness of 2-Spin Systems | Shuai Shao and Yuxin Sun | Shuai Shao |
 |  |  | B1.D | Graph isomorphism in quasipolynomial time parameterized by treewidth | Daniel Wiebking | Daniel Wiebking |
 |  |  | B1.E | Counting homomorphisms in plain exponential time | A.Bulatov, A. Dadsetan | Andrei Bulatov |
 |  |  | B1.F | Hypergraph Isomorphism for Groups with Restricted Composition Factors | Daniel Neuen | Daniel Neuen |
Q/A Slot B2 — ICALP-A
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YouTube Playlist Session chair(s): Sepehr Assadi
Video | PDF | DOI | Paper ID | Title | Authors | Video Presenter |
 |  |  | B2.A | A Scaling Algorithm for Weighted f-Factors in General Graphs | Ran Duan, Haoqing He, Tianyi Zhang | Haoqing He |
 |  |  | B2.B | Network-Aware Strategies in Financial Systems | Pál András Papp, Roger Wattenhofer | Pál András Papp |
 |  |  | B2.C | Robust Algorithms for TSP and Steiner Tree | Arun Ganesh, Bruce M. Maggs, Debmalya Panigrahi | Arun Ganesh |
 |  |  | B2.D | An Efficient PTAS for Stochastic Load Balancing with Poisson Jobs | Anindya De, Sanjeev Khanna, Huan Li, Hesam Nikpey | Huan Li, Hesam Nikpey |
 |  |  | B2.E | Online Two-dimensional Load Balancing | Ilan Cohen and Sungjin Im and Debmalya Panigrahi | Ilan Cohen |
 |  |  | B2.F | The Iteration Number of Colour Refinement | Sandra Kiefer, Brendan D. McKay | Sandra Kiefer |
Q/A Slot B3 — ICALP-A
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YouTube Playlist Session chair(s): Andrej Bogdanov
Video | PDF | DOI | Paper ID | Title | Authors | Video Presenter |
 |  |  | B3.A | Faster Random k-CNF Satisfiability | Andrea Lincoln, Adam Yedidia. | Yedidia Adam |
 |  |  | B3.B | Sparse Recovery for Orthogonal Polynomial Transforms | Anna Gilbert, Albert Gu, Christopher Re, Atri Rudra, Mary Wootters | Albert Gu |
 |  |  | B3.C | Hard Problems on Random Graphs | Jan Dreier, Henri Lotze and Peter Rossmanith | Peter Rossmanith |
 |  |  | B3.D | Dynamic Averaging Load Balancing on Cycles | Dan Alistarh, Giorgi Nadiradze, Amirmojtaba Sabour | Amirmojtaba Sabour |
 |  |  | B3.E | A spectral bound on hypergraph discrepancy | Aditya Potukuchi | Aditya Potukuchi |
 |  |  | B3.F | How to hide a clique? | Uriel Feige, Vadim Grinberg | Vadim Grinberg |
Q/A Slot B4 — ICALP-B
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YouTube Playlist Session chair(s): Manuel Bodirsky
Video | PDF | DOI | Paper ID | Title | Authors | Video Presenter |
 |  |  | B4.A | Sensitive instances of the Constraint Satisfaction Problem | Libor Barto, Marcin Kozik, Johnson Tan, Matt Valeriote | Libor Barto |
 |  |  | B4.B | Hrushovski's encoding and ω-categorical CSP monsters | Pierre Gillibert, Julius Jonušas, Michael Kompatscher, Antoine Mottet, and Michael Pinsker | Michael Pinsker |
 |  |  | B4.C | On the power of ordering in linear arithmetic theories | Dmitry Chistikov and Christoph Haase | Christoph Haase |
 |  |  | B4.D | On Higher-Order Cryptography | Boaz Barak, Raphaëlle Crubillé and Ugo Dal Lago | Ugo Dal Lago |
 |  |  | B4.E | Implicit automata in typed λ-calculi I: aperiodicity in a non-commutative logic | Lê Thành Dũng Nguyễn and Pierre Pradic | Pierre Pradic |
 |  |  | B4.F | Decision Problems in Information Theory | Mahmoud Abo Khamis, Phokion Kolaitis, Hung Ngo and Dan Suciu | Dan Suciu |
Q/A Slot B5 — LICS
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YouTube Playlist Session chair(s): Steve Awodey
Video | PDF | DOI | Paper ID | Title | Authors | Video Presenter |
 |  |  | B5.A | Multimodal Dependent Type Theory | Daniel Gratzer, G.A. Kavvos, Andreas Nuyts, Lars Birkedal | Daniel Gratzer |
 |  |  | B5.B | Russian Constructivism in a Prefascist Theory | Pierre-Marie Pédrot | Pierre-Marie Pédrot |
 |  |  | B5.C | A Higher Structure Identity Principle | Benedikt Ahrens, Paige Randall North, Michael Shulman, Dimitris Tsementzis | Paige North |
 |  |  | B5.D | Sequential Colimits in Homotopy Type Theory | Kristina Sojakova, Floris van Doorn, Egbert Rijke | Kristina Sojakova |
 |  |  | B5.E | Constructing Higher Inductive Types as Groupoid Quotients | Niels van der Weide | Niels van der Weide |
 |  |  | B5.F | Linear Dependent Type Theory for Quantum Programming Languages | Peng Fu, Kohei Kishida, Peter Selinger | Peter Selinger, Peng Fu, Kohei Kishida |
Q/A Slot B6 — LICS
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YouTube Playlist Session chair(s): Christine Tasson
Video | PDF | DOI | Paper ID | Title | Authors | Video Presenter |
 |  |  | B6.A | Universal equivalence and majority of probabilistic programs over finite fields | Gilles Barthe, Charlie Jacomme and Steve Kremer | Charlie Jacomme |
 |  |  | B6.B | Combining probabilistic and non-deterministic choice via weak distributive laws | Alexandre Goy, Daniela Petrisan | Alexandre Goy |
 |  |  | B6.C | Approximating Values of Generalized-Reachability Stochastic Games | Pranav Ashok, Krishnendu Chatterjee, Jan Kretinsky, Maximilian Weininger, Tobias Winkler | Maximilian Weininger |
 |  |  | B6.D | Mixing Probabilistic and non-Probabilistic Objectives in Markov Decision Processes | Raphaël Berthon, Shibashis Guha, Jean-François Raskin | Raphaël Berthon |
 |  |  | B6.E | The Benefit of Being Non-Lazy in Probabilistic λ-calculus: Applicative Bisimulation is Fully Abstract for Non-Lazy Probabilistic Call-by-Name | Gianluca Curzi, Michele Pagani | Gianluca Curzi |
 |  |  | B6.F | A characterisation of ordered abstract probabilities | Abraham Westerbaan, Bas Westerbaan, John van de Wetering | Bas Westerbaan |
Q/A Session C
THU, 09.07.2020, 15:30-16:30 UTC+2
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Q/A Slot C1 — ICALP-A
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YouTube Playlist Session chair(s): Keren Censor-Hillel
Video | PDF | DOI | Paper ID | Title | Authors | Video Presenter |
 |  |  | C1.A | Simplifying and Unifying Replacement Paths Algorithms in Weighted Directed Graphs | Shiri Chechik & Moran Nechushtan | Moran Nechushtan |
 |  |  | C1.B | On Packing Low-Diameter Spanning Trees | Julia Chuzhoy, Merav Parter, Zihan Tan | Zihan Tan |
 |  |  | C1.C | Minimum cut in O(m log² n) time | Pawel Gawrychowski, Shay Mozes and Oren Weimann | Pawel Gawrychowski |
 |  |  | C1.D | Graph Coloring via Degeneracy in Streaming and Other Space-Conscious Models | Suman Kalyan Bera, Amit Chakrabarti, Prantar Ghosh | Prantar Ghosh |
 |  |  | C1.E | Proportionally Fair Clustering Revisited | Evi Micha, Nisarg Shah | Evi Micha |
 |  |  | C1.F | Roundtrip Spanners with (2k-1) Stretch | Ruoxu Cen, Ran Duan and Yong Gu | Ran Duan |
Q/A Slot C2 — ICALP-A
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YouTube Playlist Session chair(s): Andrej Bogdanov
Video | PDF | DOI | Paper ID | Title | Authors | Video Presenter |
 |  |  | C2.A | Symmetric Arithmetic Circuits | Anuj Dawar and Gregory Wilsenach | Gregory Wilsenach |
 |  |  | C2.B | Hardness of equations over finite solvable groups under the exponential time hypothesis | Armin Weiß | Armin Weiß |
 |  |  | C2.C | Nondeterministic and Randomized Boolean Hierarchies in Communication Complexity | Toniann Pitassi, Morgan Shirley, Thomas Watson | Morgan Shirley |
 |  |  | C2.D | Can Verifiable Delay Functions be Based on Random Oracles? | Mohammad Mahmoody, Caleb Smith, David J. Wu | David J. Wu |
 |  |  | C2.E | Feasible Interpolation for Polynomial Calculus and Sums-of-Squares | Tuomas Hakoniemi | Tuomas Hakoniemi |
 |  |  | C2.F | On the Degree of Boolean Functions as Polynomials over ℤ_m | Xiaoming Sun, Yuan Sun, Jiaheng Wang, Kewen Wu, Zhiyu Xia, Yufan Zheng | Jiaheng Wang |
Q/A Slot C3 — ICALP-A
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YouTube Playlist Session chair(s): John Iacono
Video | PDF | DOI | Paper ID | Title | Authors | Video Presenter |
 |  |  | C3.A | Active Learning a Convex Body in Low Dimensions | Sariel Har-Peled, Mitchell Jones, Saladi Rahul | Mitchell Jones |
 |  |  | C3.B | Polytopes, lattices, and spherical codes for the nearest neighbor problem | Thijs Laarhoven | Thijs Laarhoven |
 |  |  | C3.C | On the two-dimensional knapsack problem for convex polygons | Arturo Merino, Andreas Wiese | Arturo Merino |
 |  |  | C3.D | Near-optimal Algorithm for Constructing Greedy Consensus Tree | Hongxun Wu | Hongxun Wu |
 |  |  | C3.E | Computational Complexity of the α-Ham-Sandwich Problem | Man-Kwun Chiu, Aruni Choudhary, Wolfgang Mulzer | Aruni Choudhary |
 |  |  | C3.F | Succinct Filters for Sets of Unknown Sizes | Mingmou Liu, Yitong Yin, Huacheng Yu | Mingmou Liu |
Q/A Slot C4 — ICALP-B
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YouTube Playlist Session chair(s): Peter Selinger
Video | PDF | DOI | Paper ID | Title | Authors | Video Presenter |
 |  |  | C4.A | A Recipe for Quantum Graphical Languages | Titouan Carette and Emmanuel Jeandel | Titouan Carette |
 |  |  | C4.B | The Strahler Number of a Parity Game | Laure Daviaud, Marcin Jurdzinski, K. S. Thejaswini | K. S. Thejaswini |
 |  |  | C4.C | Two variable logic with ultimately periodic counting | Michael Benedikt, Egor V. Kostylev, Tony Tan | Egor Kostylev |
 |  |  | C4.D | The Power of a Single Qubit: Two-way Quantum Finite Automata and the Word Problem | Zachary Remscrim | Zachary Remscrim |
 |  |  | C4.E | The Adversarial Stackelberg Value in Quantitative Games | Emmanuel Filiot, Raffaella Gentilini and Jean-Francois Raskin | Jean-Francois Raskin |
 |  |  | C4.F | Descriptive complexity on non-Polish spaces II | Mathieu Hoyrup | Mathieu Hoyrup |
Q/A Slot C5 — LICS
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YouTube Playlist Session chair(s): Igor Walukiewicz
Video | PDF | DOI | Paper ID | Title | Authors | Video Presenter |
 |  |  | C5.A | An Efficient Normalisation Procedure for Linear Temporal Logic and Very Weak Alternating Automata | Salomon Sickert and Javier Esparza | Salomon Sickert |
 |  |  | C5.B | One-Clock Priced Timed Games are PSPACE-hard | John Fearnley, Rasmus Ibsen-Jensen and Rahul Savani | Rasmus Ibsen-Jensen |
 |  |  | C5.C | Extensions of ω-Regular Languages | Bojańczyk, Kelmendi, Stefański, Zetzsche | Mikołaj Bojańczyk |
 |  |  | C5.D | Register Automata with Extrema Constraints, and an Application to Two-Variable Logic | Szymon Toruńczyk and Thomas Zeume | Szymon Toruńczyk |
 |  |  | C5.E | First-order tree-to-tree functions | Mikołaj Bojańczyk and Amina Doumane | Amina Doumane |
 |  |  | C5.F | Space-efficient Query Evaluation over Probabilistic Event Streams | Rajeev Alur, Yu Chen, Kishor Jothimurugan, Sanjeev Khanna | Kishor Jothimurugan, Yu Chen |
Q/A Slot C6 — LICS
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YouTube Playlist Session chair(s): Radu Mardare
Video | PDF | DOI | Paper ID | Title | Authors | Video Presenter |
 |  |  | C6.A | On the computational content of Zorn's lemma | Thomas Powell | Thomas Powell |
 |  |  | C6.B | Resolving finite indeterminacy: A definitive constructive universal prime ideal theorem | Peter Schuster, Daniel Wessel | Peter Schuster |
 |  |  | C6.C | A Fixed Point Theorem on Lexicographic Lattice Structures | Angelos Charalambidis, Giannos Chatziagapis and Panos Rondogiannis | Giannos Chatziagapis |
 |  |  | C6.D | Automata Learning: An Algebraic Approach | Henning Urbat and Lutz Schröder | Henning Urbat |
 |  |  | C6.E | Interaction laws of monads and comonads | Shin-ya Katsumata, Exequiel Rivas, Tarmo Uustalu | Exequiel Rivas |
 |  |  | C6.F | Coherence and normalisation-by-evaluation for bicategorical cartesian closed structure | Marcelo Fiore, Philip Saville | Philip Saville |
Q/A Session D
THU, 09.07.2020, 17:00-18:00 UTC+2
when is this in my timezone?
Q/A Slot D1 — ICALP-A
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YouTube Playlist Session chair(s): Martin Hoefer
Video | PDF | DOI | Paper ID | Title | Authors | Video Presenter |
 |  |  | D1.A | Tree Polymatrix Games are PPAD-hard | Argyrios Deligkas, John Fearnley, Rahul Savani | Argyrios Deligkas |
 |  |  | D1.B | Existence and Complexity of Approximate Equilibria in Weighted Congestion Games | George Christodoulou, Martin Gairing, Yiannis Giannakopoulos, Diogo Poças and Clara Waldmann | Diogo Poças |
 |  |  | D1.C | Knapsack Secretary with Bursty Adversary | Thomas Kesselheim, Marco Molinaro | Thomas Kesselheim |
 |  |  | D1.D | Node-Max-Cut and the Complexity of Equilibrium in Linear Weighted Congestion Games | Dimitris Fotakis, Vardis Kandiros, Thanasis Lianeas, Nikos Mouzakis, Panagiotis Patsilinakos and Stratis Skoulakis | Nikos Mouzakis |
 |  |  | D1.E | Obviously Strategyproof Single-Minded Combinatorial Auctions | Bart de Keijzer, Maria Kyropoulou, Carmine Ventre | Carmine Ventre |
 |  |  | D1.F | The Outer Limits of Contention Resolution on Matroids and Connections to the Secretary Problem. | Shaddin Dughmi | Shaddin Dughmi |
Q/A Slot D2 — ICALP-A
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YouTube Playlist Session chair(s): Erik Jan van Leeuwen
Video | PDF | DOI | Paper ID | Title | Authors | Video Presenter |
 |  |  | D2.A | Parameterized inapproximability for Steiner Orientation by gap amplification | Michal Wlodarczyk | Michal Wlodarczyk |
 |  |  | D2.B | Space Efficient Construction of Lyndon Arrays in Linear Time | Philip Bille, Jonas Ellert, Johannes Fischer, Inge Li Gørtz, Florian Kurpicz, J. Ian Munro and Eva Rotenberg | Jonas Ellert |
 |  |  | D2.C | The Power of Many Samples in Query Complexity | Andrew Bassilakis, Andrew Drucker, Mika Göös, Lunjia Hu, Weiyun Ma, Li-Yang Tan | Lunjia Hu, Weijun Ma |
 |  |  | D2.D | Towards Optimal Set-Disjointness and Set-Intersection Data Structures | Tsvi Kopelowitz, Virginia Vassilevska Williams | Tsvi Kopelowitz |
 |  |  | D2.E | Faster Dynamic Range Mode | Bryce Sandlund, Yinzhan Xu | Yinzhan Xu |
 |  |  | D2.F | Dynamic Longest Common Substring in Polylogarithmic Time | Panagiotis Charalampopoulos, Paweł Gawrychowski and Karol Pokorski | Karol Pokorski |
Q/A Slot D3 — ICALP-A
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YouTube Playlist Session chair(s): Christian Scheideler
Video | PDF | DOI | Paper ID | Title | Authors | Video Presenter |
 |  |  | D3.A | Improved Black-Box Constructions of Composable Secure Computation | Rohit Chatterjee, Xiao Liang, Omkant Pandey | Rohit Chatterjee |
 |  |  | D3.B | Spectral Sparsification via Bounded-Independence Sampling | Dean Doron, Jack Murtagh, Salil Vadhan and David Zuckerman | Dean Doron |
 |  |  | D3.C | Cryptographic Reverse Firewalls for Interactive Proof Systems | Chaya Ganesh, Bernardo Magri, Daniele Venturi. | Bernardo Magri |
 |  |  | D3.D | Quantum Distributed Complexity of Set Disjointness on a Line | Frederic Magniez, Ashwin Nayak | Frederic Magniez, Ashwin Nayak |
 |  |  | D3.E | On the complexity of zero gap MIP* | Hamoon Mousavi, Seyed Sajjad Nezhadi and Henry Yuen | Hamoon Mousavi |
 |  |  | D3.F | From Holant to Quantum Entanglement and Back | Jin-Yi Cai, Zhiguo Fu and Shuai Shao | Shuai Shao |
Q/A Slot D4 — ICALP-B
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YouTube Playlist Session chair(s): Antonin Kucera
Video | PDF | DOI | Paper ID | Title | Authors | Video Presenter |
 |  |  | D4.A | Logical Characterisation of Hybrid Conformance | Maciej Gazda and Mohammadreza Mousavi
| Maciej Gazda |
 |  |  | D4.B | The Complexity of Bounded Context Switching with Dynamic Thread Creation | Pascal Baumann, Rupak Majumdar, Ramanathan Thinniyam Srinivasan, Georg Zetzsche | Pascal Baumann |
 |  |  | D4.C | The Complexity of Verifying Loop-free Programs as Differentially Private | Marco Gaboardi, Kobbi Nissim and David Purser | David Purser |
 |  |  | D4.D | Timed games and deterministic separability | Lorenzo Clemente, Sławomir Lasota and Radosław Piórkowski | Radosław Piórkowski |
 |  |  | D4.E | The Topology of Local Computing in Networks | Pierre Fraigniaud and Ami Paz | Pierre Fraigniaud |
 |  |  | D4.F | Dynamic Complexity of Reachability: How Many Changes Can We Handle? | Samir Datta, Pankaj Kumar, Anish Mukherjee, Anuj Tawari, Nils Vortmeier, Thomas Zeume | Nils Vortmeier |
Q/A Slot D5 — LICS
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YouTube Playlist Session chair(s): Antonina Kolokolova
Video | PDF | DOI | Paper ID | Title | Authors | Video Presenter |
 |  |  | D5.A | Counting Bounded Tree Depth Homomorphisms | Martin Grohe | Martin Grohe |
 |  |  | D5.B | Lower Bounds for QBFs of Bounded Treewidth | Johannes K. Fichte, Markus Hecher and Andreas Pfandler | Markus Hecher |
 |  |  | D5.C | Successor-Invariant First-Order Logic on Classes of Bounded Degree | Julien Grange | Julien Grange |
 |  |  | D5.D | Hardness Characterisations and Size-Width Lower Bounds for QBF Resolution | Olaf Beyersdorff, Joshua Blinkhorn, Meena Mahajan | Joshua Blinkhorn |
 |  |  | D5.E | The Surprising Power of Constant Depth Algebraic Proofs | Russell Impagliazzo, Sasank Mouli and Toniann Pitassi | Sasank Mouli |
 |  |  | D5.F | The Hidden Subgroup Problem for Universal Algebras | Matthew Moore and Taylor Walenczyk | Matthew Moore |
Q/A Slot D6 — LICS
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YouTube Playlist Session chair(s): Elaine Pimentel
Video | PDF | DOI | Paper ID | Title | Authors | Video Presenter |
 |  |  | D6.A | A tier-based typed programming language characterizing Feasible Functionals | Hainry, Kapron, Marion, and Péchoux | Romain Péchoux |
 |  |  | D6.B | Consuming and Persistent Types for Classical Logic | Delia Kesner, Pierre Vial | Pierre Vial |
 |  |  | D6.C | Reconciling Noninterference and Gradual Typing | Arthur Azevedo de Amorim, Matt Fredrikson and Limin Jia | Arthur Azevedo de Amorim |
 |  |  | D6.D | Deciding Differential Privacy for Programs with Finite Inputs and Outputs | Gilles Barthe, Rohit Chadha, Vishal Jagannath, A. Prasad Sistla and Mahesh Viswanathan | Rohit Chadha |
 |  |  | D6.E | A calculus of expandable stores: Continuation-and-environment-passing style translations | Hugo Herbelin, Étienne Miquey | Étienne Miquey |
 |  |  | D6.F | On Computability of Logical Approaches to Branching-Time Property Verification of Programs | Takeshi Tsukada | Takeshi Tsukada |
Q/A Session E
FRI, 10.07.2020, 15:30-16:30 UTC+2
when is this in my timezone?
Q/A Slot E1 — ICALP-A
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YouTube Playlist Session chair(s): Christian Scheideler
Video | PDF | DOI | Paper ID | Title | Authors | Video Presenter |
 |  |  | E1.A | Asynchronous Majority Dynamics in Preferential Attachment Trees | Maryam Bahrani, Nicole Immorlica, Divyarthi Mohan, S. Matthew Weinberg | Maryam Bahrani |
 |  |  | E1.B | Quasi-majority Functional Voting on Expander Graphs | Nobutaka Shimizu and Takeharu Shiraga | Nobutaka Shimizu |
 |  |  | E1.C | New Extremal bounds for Reachability and Strong-Connectivity Preservers under failures | Diptarka Chakraborty and Keerti Choudhary | Keerti Choudhary |
 |  |  | E1.D | Node-Connectivity Terminal Backup, Separately-Capacitated Multiflow, and Discrete Convexity | Hiroshi Hirai and Motoki Ikeda | Motoki Ikeda |
 |  |  | E1.E | A General Stabilization Bound for Influence Propagation in Graphs | Pál András Papp, Roger Wattenhofer | Pál András Papp |
 |  |  | E1.F | New Fault Tolerant Subset Preservers | Greg Bodwin, Keerti Choudhary, Merav Parter and Noa Shahar | Noa Shahar |
Q/A Slot E2 — ICALP-A
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YouTube Playlist Session chair(s): Sepehr Assadi
Video | PDF | DOI | Paper ID | Title | Authors | Video Presenter |
 |  |  | E2.A | Deterministic Sparse Fourier Transform with an 𝓁_{∞} Guarantee | Yi Li, Vasileios Nakos | Yi Li |
 |  |  | E2.B | Improved Bounds for Matching in Random-Order Streams | Aaron Bernstein | Aaron Bernstein |
 |  |  | E2.C | Sublinear Algorithms and Lower Bounds for Metric TSP Cost Estimation | Yu Chen, Sampath Kannan, Sanjeev Khanna | Yu Chen |
 |  |  | E2.D | Robust Algorithms under Adversarial Injections | Paritosh Garg, Sagar Kale, Lars Rohwedder, Ola Svensson | Paritosh Garg |
 |  |  | E2.E | Sampling Arbitrary Subgraphs Exactly Uniformly in Sublinear Time | Hendrik Fichtenberger, Mingze Gao and Pan Peng | Hendrik Fichtenberger |
 |  |  | E2.F | Property Testing of LP-Type Problems | Rogers Epstein, Sandeep Silwal | Sandeep Silwal |
Q/A Slot E3 — ICALP-A
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YouTube Playlist Session chair(s): Shengyu Zhang
Video | PDF | DOI | Paper ID | Title | Authors | Video Presenter |
 |  |  | E3.A | Computation of Hadwiger Number and Related Contraction Problems: Tight Lower Bounds | Fedor Fomin, Daniel Lokshtanov, Ivan Mihajlin, Saket Saurabh and Meirav Zehavi | Meirav Zehavi |
 |  |  | E3.B | Bridge-Depth Characterizes which Structural Parameterizations of Vertex Cover Admit a Polynomial Kernel | Marin Bougeret, Bart M. P. Jansen and Ignasi Sau | Bart M. P. Jansen |
 |  |  | E3.C | Near Optimal Algorithm for the Directed Single Source Replacement Paths Problem | Ofer Magen, Shiri Chechik | Ofer Magen |
 |  |  | E3.D | On the Fine-Grained Complexity of Parity Problems | Amir Abboud, Shon Feller, Oren Weimann | Shon Feller |
 |  |  | E3.E | Sublinear-Space Lexicographic Depth-First Search for Bounded Treewidth Graphs and Planar Graphs | Taisuke Izumi and Yota Otachi | Taisuke Izumi |
 |  |  | E3.F | Efficient diagonalization of symmetric matrices associated with graphs of small treewidth | Martin Fürer, Carlos Hoppen and Vilmar Trevisan | Carlos Hoppen |
Q/A Slot E4 — ICALP-B
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YouTube Playlist Session chair(s): Szymon Toruńczyk
Video | PDF | DOI | Paper ID | Title | Authors | Video Presenter |
 |  |  | E4.A | The Post Correspondence Problem and equalisers for certain free group and monoid morphisms | Laura Ciobanu and Alan Logan | Alan Logan |
 |  |  | E4.B | The complexity of knapsack problems in wreath products | Michael Figelius, Moses Ganardi, Markus Lohrey, Georg Zetzsche | Moses Ganardi |
 |  |  | E4.C | Hardness results for constant-free pattern languages and word equations | Aleksi Saarela | Aleksi Saarela |
 |  |  | E4.D | Weakly-unambiguous Parikh automata and their link to holonomic series | Alin Bostan, Arnaud Carayol, Florent Koechlin and Cyril Nicaud | Florent Koechlin |
 |  |  | E4.E | On the structure of solution sets to regular word equations | Joel D Day and Florin Manea | Joel Day |
 |  |  | E4.F | Rational subsets of Baumslag-Solitar groups | Michaël Cadilhac, Dmitry Chistikov, and Georg Zetzsche | Georg Zetzsche |
Q/A Slot E5 — LICS
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YouTube Playlist Session chair(s): Ugo Dal Lago
Video | PDF | DOI | Paper ID | Title | Authors | Video Presenter |
 |  |  | E5.A | Partial Univalence in n-truncated Type Theory | Christian Sattler, Andrea Vezzosi | Andrea Vezzosi |
 |  |  | E5.B | The Integers as a Higher Inductive Type | Thorsten Altenkirch and Luis Scoccola | Thorsten Altenkirch |
 |  |  | E5.C | Large and Infinitary Quotient Inductive-Inductive Types | András Kovács and Ambrus Kaposi | András Kovács |
 |  |  | E5.D | Algebraic models of simple type theories: a polynomial approach | Nathanael Arkor & Marcelo Fiore | Nathanael Arkor |
 |  |  | E5.E | A Constructive Model of Directed Univalence in Bicubical Sets | Matthew Z. Weaver, Daniel R. Licata | Matthew Z. Weaver |
 |  |  | E5.F | Coherence via Well-Foundedness: Taming Set-Quotients in Homotopy Type Theory | Nicolai Kraus and Jakob von Raumer | Jakob von Raumer |
Q/A Slot E6 — LICS
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YouTube Playlist Session chair(s): Sam Staton
Video | PDF | DOI | Paper ID | Title | Authors | Video Presenter |
 |  |  | E6.A | A Cellular Howe Theorem | Peio Borthelle, Tom Hirschowitz, and Ambroise Lafont | Tom Hirschowitz |
 |  |  | E6.B | A Complete Proof System for 1-Free Regular Expressions Modulo Bisimilarity | Clemens Grabmayer and Wan Fokkink | Clemens Grabmayer |
 |  |  | E6.C | A Hennessy-Milner Theorem for ATL with Imperfect Information | Francesco Belardinelli, Catalin Dima, Vadim Malvone and Ferucio Tiplea | Catalin Dima |
 |  |  | E6.D | Refinement-Based Game Semantics for Certified Abstraction Layers | Jérémie Koenig
Zhong Shao | Jérémie Koenig |
 |  |  | E6.E | The Complexity of Dynamic Data Race Prediction | Umang Mathur and Andreas Pavlogiannis and Mahesh Viswanathan | Andreas Pavlogiannis |
Q/A Session F
SAT, 11.07.2020, 14:00-15:00 UTC+2
when is this in my timezone?
Q/A Slot F1 — ICALP-A
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YouTube Playlist Session chair(s): Matthias Englert
Video | PDF | DOI | Paper ID | Title | Authors | Video Presenter |
 |  |  | F1.A | Scheduling in the Random-Order Model | Susanne Albers , Maximilian Janke | Maximilian Janke |
 |  |  | F1.B | Lower bounds for dynamic distributed task allocation | Hsin-Hao Su, Nicole Wein | Nicole Wein |
 |  |  | F1.C | Faster Minimization of Tardy Processing Time on a Single Machine | Karl Bringmann, Nick Fischer, Danny Hermelin, Dvir Shabtay and Philip Wellnitz | Nick Fischer |
 |  |  | F1.D | Breaking the Barrier of 2 for the Storage Allocation Problem | Tobias Mömke and Andreas Wiese | Tobias Mömke |
 |  |  | F1.E | The Online Min-Sum Set Cover Problem | Dimitris Fotakis, Loukas Kavouras, Grigorios Koumoutsos, Stratis Skoulakis, Manolis Vardas | Stratis Skoulakis |
 |  |  | F1.F | Online Algorithms for Weighted Paging with Predictions | Zhihao Jiang, Debmalya Panigrahi and Kevin Sun | Kevin Sun |
Q/A Slot F2 — ICALP-A
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YouTube Playlist Session chair(s): Melanie Schmidt
Video | PDF | DOI | Paper ID | Title | Authors | Video Presenter |
 |  |  | F2.A | Popular Matchings with One-Sided Bias | Telikepalli Kavitha | Telikepalli Kavitha |
 |  |  | F2.B | Matrices of optimal tree-depth and row-invariant parameterized algorithm for integer programming | Timothy Chan, Jacob Cooper, Martin Koutecký, Dan Král and Kristýna Pekárková | Jacob Cooper |
 |  |  | F2.C | An FPT-algorithm for recognizing k-apices of minor-closed graph classes | Ignasi Sau, Giannos Stamoulis and Dimitrios M. Thilikos | Giannos Stamoulis |
 |  |  | F2.D | Hitting long directed cycles is fixed-parameter tractable | Alexander Göke, Dániel Marx, Matthias Mnich | Alexander Göke |
 |  |  | F2.E | On Quasipolynomial Multicut-Mimicking Networks and Kernelization of Multiway Cut Problems | Magnus Wahlström | Magnus Wahlström |
 |  |  | F2.F | A (2 + ε)-Factor Approximation Algorithm for Split Vertex Deletion | Daniel Lokshtanov, Pranabendu Misra, Fahad Panolan, Geevarghese Philip, Saket Saurabh | Philip Geevarghese |
Q/A Slot F3 — ICALP-B
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YouTube Playlist Session chair(s): Ranko Lazic
Video | PDF | DOI | Paper ID | Title | Authors | Video Presenter |
 |  |  | F3.A | Finite Sequentiality of Finitely Ambiguous Max-Plus Tree Automata | Erik Paul | Erik Paul |
 |  |  | F3.B | Cost Automata, Safe Schemes, and Downward Closures | David Barozzini, Lorenzo Clemente, Thomas Colcombet and Paweł Parys | David Barozzini |
 |  |  | F3.C | Computing measures of weak-MSO definable sets of trees | Damian Niwiński, Marcin Przybyłko, and Michał Skrzypczak | Michał Skrzypczak |
 |  |  | F3.D | Single-use automata and transducers for infinite alphabets | Mikołaj Bojańczyk and Rafał Stefański | Rafał Stefański |
 |  |  | F3.E | From linear to additive cellular automata | Alberto Dennunzio, Enrico Formenti, Darij Grinberg and Luciano Margara | Enrico Formenti |
 |  |  | F3.F | When is a Bottom-Up Deterministic Tree Translation Top-Down Deterministic? | Sebastian Maneth, Helmut Seidl | Helmut Seidl |
Q/A Slot F4 — LICS
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YouTube Playlist Session chair(s): Emmanuel Filiot
Video | PDF | DOI | Paper ID | Title | Authors | Video Presenter |
 |  |  | F4.A | Good-for-games ω-Pushdown Automata | Karoliina Lehtinen and Martin Zimmermann | Karoliina Lehtinen |
 |  |  | F4.B | Making Streett Determinization Tight | Cong Tian, Wensheng Wang, Zhenhua Duan | Cong Tian |
 |  |  | F4.C | Uniformizations of regular relations over bi-infinite words | Grzegorz Fabiański, Michał Skrzypczak and Szymon Toruńczyk | Grzegorz Fabiański |
 |  |  | F4.D | Re-pairing brackets | Dmitry Chistikov, Mikhail Vyalyi | Dmitry Chistikov |
 |  |  | F4.E | Pebble Minimization of Polyregular Functions | Nathan Lhote | Nathan Lhote |
Q/A Slot F5 — LICS
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YouTube Playlist Session chair(s): Yijia Chen
Video | PDF | DOI | Paper ID | Title | Authors | Video Presenter |
 |  |  | F5.A | Temporal Constraint Satisfaction Problems in Fixed-Point Logic | Manuel Bodirsky, Wied Pakusa, and Jakub Rydval | Manuel Bodirsky and Jakub Rydval |
 |  |  | F5.B | Descriptive complexity of real computation and probabilistic independence logic | Miika Hannula, Juha Kontinen, Jan Van den Bussche and Jonni Virtema | Jonni Virtema, Miika Hannula |
 |  |  | F5.C | Intermediate problems in modular circuits satisfiability | Pawel Idziak, Piotr Kawalek, Jacek Krzaczkowski | Pawel Idziak |
 |  |  | F5.D | On The Relational Width of First-Order Expansions of Finitely Bounded Homogeneous Binary Cores with Bounded Strict Width | Michał Wrona | Michał Wrona |
 |  |  | F5.E | Sparse Hashing for Scalable Approximate Model Counting: Theory and Practice | Kuldeep Meel, S. Akshay | Kuldeep S. Meel |
 |  |  | F5.F | On the Weisfeiler-Leman Dimension of Finite Groups | Jendrik Brachter, Pascal Schweitzer | Jendrik Brachter |